Global Connections Television Podcast
Global Connections Television (GCTV), the only talk show of its type in the world, has featured a myriad of guests ranging from leaders at the UN to the private sector to academics to non-governmental organizations.
Podcasting since 2021 • 165 episodes
Global Connections Television Podcast
Latest Episodes
Steve Schlesinger, "Act of Creation: Founding of the United Nations"
Steve Schlesinger, Fellow at the Century Foundation in New York City, authored "Act of Creation: Founding of the United Nations," and is an expert on the UN and international issues. Over the past 8 decades the UN has expanded its mandate an...
Dr. Frank N. von Hippel, “Ending the Nuclear Arms Race – A physicist’s quest.”
Dr. Frank N. von Hippel, Senior Research Physicist and Professor of Public and International Affairs emeritus of the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University’s forthcoming book is, “Ending the Nuclear Arms Race – A phys...
Michelle Gladieux, “Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges“
Michelle Gladieux, a communication expert, debate coach, executive coach, and author of “Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges" trains leaders in almost every industry to experience more impactful inte...